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Hebenstreit D, Csaicsich D, Springer A, Müller-Sacherer T. Pediatric renal transplantation in posterior urethral valve patients – Outcome and therapy management. Nieren- und Hochdruckerkrankungen, 2017; 46:20
Springer A, Langer S, Csaicsich D, Brugger P, Prayer, Pones M. The prognostic value of fetal MRI in posterior urethral valves. Nieren- und Hochdruckerkrankungen, 2017; 46:49
Springer A, Aufricht C, Csaicsich D, Scharrer A, Kratochwill K, Bergmeister H, Huber J, Mayer B, Mühlberger I. Experimental fetal unilateral and bilateral obstructive uropathy. Nieren- und Hochdruckerkrankungen, 2017; 46:50
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Tonnhofer U, Metzelder M, Springer A. Hypospadias- Classification and Therapy 2018, Deutscher Chirurgenkongress, Berlin, 2018
Weinhandl A, Metzelder M, Springer A, Fülöp G. The Impact of the Cologne Court Decision on Circumcision Rates in German Speaking Europe, Deutscher Chirurgenkongress, Berlin, 2018
Hebenstreit D, Csaicsich D, Hebenstreit K, Müller-Sacherer T, Berlakovich G, Springer A. Pediatric renal transplantation in patients with posterior urethral valves - Outcome and therapy management. ESPU Helsinki, 2018
Tonnhofer U, Hiess M, Metzelder M, Hebenstreit D, Krall C, Springer A. Does the Anogenital Distance predict Outcome of Hypospadias Repair? ESPU Helsinki, 2018
Springer A. Ureterorenoscopic removal of a foreign body in a newborn following fetal nephrostomy. ESPU Helsinki, 2018
Springer A. The Prognostic Value of fetal MRI in Posterior Urethral Valves. Czech Pediatric Urology Meeting, Ostravice, 2018
Springer A. Complication following minimal-valve ablation, ESPU EC Masterclass, Vienna 2018
Springer A. Why epidiymitis in PUV?, ESPU EC Masterclass, Vienna 2018
Tonnhofer U, Springer A. Minimal posterior urethral valves, ESPU EC Masterclass, Vienna 2018
Springer A, Langer S, Brugger P, Prayer D, Csaicsich D, Pones M, Bettelheim D. The Prognostic Value of fetal MRI in Posterior Urethral Valves, ESPU EC Masterclass, Vienna 2018
Springer A. Urologische Kindernotfälle, bzw. häufige urologische Diagnosen in der Notfallambulanz, St. Anna Kinderspital, 2018
Springer A. Long-term data in hypospadias surgery – Implications for management? Hypospadias and DSD, Vienna 2018
Springer A. Posterior Urethral Valves, ESPU EC Annual Course, Baku/Azerbaijan, 2018
Springer A. Androgens and Hypospadias, Hypospadias International Society, Frankfurt, 2018
Springer A. Registries and Hypospadias, Hypospadias International Society, Frankfurt, 2018
Springer A, Amann G, Horcher E Gastrointestinal Stromatumor in a 12 year old female (GIST), St. Wolfgang, 2005
Springer A, Horcher E, Waldhauser F. Kallmann Syndrome –Treatment in early childhood, Istanbul, 2005
Springer A, Horcher E, Rebhandl W. Surgical Management of Abdominal Tuberculosis in Europe, Delhi, India, 2006
Springer A, Schweikert U, Hiort O, Horcher E, Waldhauser F. Gonadal Management in Patients with 5-alpha reductase deficiency, Delhi, India, 2006
Riedl S, Springer A, Huber J. Severe virilisation of a 46XX newborn and her mother during pregnancy: A novel case of aromatase deficiency. 3rd EuroDSD Symposium - From Gene to Gender, Lübeck/Germany, 2011
Springer A, Krois W, Horcher E. Antibiotics, analgesics, androgens and epinephrine in hypospadias surgery – results of an international study. ESPU 23rd Annual Congress, Zürich/Switzerland, 2012
Springer A, Fülöp G, Subramaniam R. Age distribution of boys undergoing orchidopexy in Austria from 1993 to 2009. ESPU 23rd Annual Congress, Zürich/Switzerland, 2012
Springer A, Subramaniam R. Further Experience With Longer Follow Up With Use Of Acellular Matrix as a Splint Following Urethroplasty. ESPU 24th Annual Congress, Genua/Italy, 2013
Riedl S, Springer A, Schlegel W, Hiort O, Wudy S. Discrepant biochemical findings and remarkable clinical course during early puberty in a 46,XY-individual with suspected 5α-reductase deficiency. Glasgow, 2013 (I-DSD Symposium 2013 - University of Glasgow)
Springer A, Jiang J, Ahmed F. Introduction of the I-DSD hypospadias assessment tool. ESPU, 2014 Innsbruck
Tonnhofer U, Hebenstreit D, Metzelder M, Springer A. Male infants with hypospadias, or cryptorchidism do not show a different index finger/ring finger ratio than other boys. ESPU, Barcelona, 2017
Weinhandl A, Baumann S, Csaicsich D, Schlangen K, Metzelder M, Mitulovic G, Springer A. Urine Proteomics in CHildren with Vesicoureteral Reflux, ESPU, Barcelona, 2017
Springer A, Tonnhofer U, Kudela G, Ahmed F, Riedl S, Cools M. Hypospadias Assessment Tool as proposed by the COST Action BM1303 “A Systematic Elucidation of DSD”, I-DSD Kopenhagen, 2017
Tonnhofer U, Hebenstreit D, Springer A. Das Längenverhältnis von Zeige- und Ringfinger bei Knaben mit Hypospadie. Jahrestagung Arbeitskreis Kinderurologie, Mannheim, 2017
Springer A. Hypospadias. As visiting professor, Ljubljana, Slowenien, 2017
Springer A. Anogenital Distance in Boys – Is it a good Marker for Patients with Hypospadias? Cairo, 2017
Springer A. Ameliorate your skills in hypospadias repair. How to select a proper procedure? Cairo, 2017
Springer A. Controversy in hypospadias repair. How to select a proper procedure? Cairo, 2017
Springer A. Normal penis, Normal measurements, Glans, meatus, shaft and penoscrotal angle. Cairo, 2017
Springer A. Varianten der Geschlechtsentwicklung. Wien, 2017
Springer A. Kinderurologie- Urogenitale Rekonstruktion. Wien, 2017
Springer A. The actual role and clinical impact of diuretic renogram in management of prenatally diagnosed hydronephrosis. EANM, Wien, 2017
Springer A. Duplex anomalies. ESPU Educational Course, Krakow, Polen, 2017
Springer A. Posterior Urethral Valves. ESPU Educational Course, Krakow, Polen, 2017
Springer A. The Role of Social Media in Hypospadias Surgery. World Congress of Hypospadias, Moscow, 2017
Springer A. Should we operate on glandular hypospadias? World Congress of Hypospadias, Moscow, 2017
Springer A. Current Management of Distal Hypospadias in Austria. World Congress of Hypospadias, Moscow, 2017
Springer A. Kinderurologie, Wien 2017
Springer A. Feminisierende Genitoplastik, OEGGG, Wien 2017
Springer A. Kinderurologie, Wien 2017
Weninger J, Metzelder M, Ringelspacher E, Scharer A, Springer A. Following circumcision lichen sclerosus of the penis does not have long term effects, OEGKCH, Wien 2017
Tonnhofer U, Metzelder M, Springer A. Challenges in Changing Patient Populations: the European Refugee Crisis, OEGKCH, Wien 2017
Springer A. Blasenentleerungstörungen bei MMC, Wien, 2017
Springer A, Koszutski T, Kudela G, Hiess M, Tonnhofer U. Meyer-Weigert – Empfehlung oder Gesetz? Mannheim, AKKU, 2018
Springer A, Berra M. Consensus on uro‐gynecological follow‐up of individuals who have a DSD. DSDNet Meeting, Lübeck, 2018
Tonnhofer U, Springer A, Metzelder M, Hiess M. Challenges in changing patient populations: the
European refugee crisis, Deutscher Chirurgenkongress, Berlin, 2018
Tonnhofer U, Metzelder M, Springer A. Hypospadias- Classification and Therapy 2018, Deutscher Chirurgenkongress, Berlin, 2018
Weinhandl A, Metzelder M, Springer A, Fülöp G. The Impact of the Cologne Court Decision on Circumcision Rates in German Speaking Europe, Deutscher Chirurgenkongress, Berlin, 2018
Hebenstreit D, Csaicsich D, Hebenstreit K, Müller-Sacherer T, Berlakovich G, Springer A. Pediatric renal transplantation in patients with posterior urethral valves - Outcome and therapy management. ESPU Helsinki, 2018
Tonnhofer U, Hiess M, Metzelder M, Hebenstreit D, Krall C, Springer A. Does the Anogenital Distance predict Outcome of Hypospadias Repair? ESPU Helsinki, 2018
Springer A. Ureterorenoscopic removal of a foreign body in a newborn following fetal nephrostomy. ESPU Helsinki, 2018
Springer A. The Prognostic Value of fetal MRI in Posterior Urethral Valves. Czech Pediatric Urology Meeting, Ostravice, 2018
Springer A. Complication following minimal-valve ablation, ESPU EC Masterclass, Vienna 2018
Springer A. Why epidiymitis in PUV?, ESPU EC Masterclass, Vienna 2018
Tonnhofer U, Springer A. Minimal posterior urethral valves, ESPU EC Masterclass, Vienna 2018
Springer A, Langer S, Brugger P, Prayer D, Csaicsich D, Pones M, Bettelheim D. The Prognostic Value of fetal MRI in Posterior Urethral Valves, ESPU EC Masterclass, Vienna 2018
Springer A. Urologische Kindernotfälle, bzw. häufige urologische Diagnosen in der Notfallambulanz, St. Anna Kinderspital, 2018
Springer A. Long-term data in hypospadias surgery – Implications for management? Hypospadias and DSD, Vienna 2018
Springer A. Posterior Urethral Valves, ESPU EC Annual Course, Baku/Azerbaijan, 2018
Springer A. Androgens and Hypospadias, Hypospadias International Society, Frankfurt, 2018
Springer A. Registries and Hypospadias, Hypospadias International Society, Frankfurt, 2018
Springer A. Stand der Diskussionen über AGS und DSD/VdG/Inter* auf Europa-Ebene? International? Jahrestagung Selbsthilfegruppe AGS, Wels 2018
Springer A. Intersexualität Update: Wie und wann diagnostizieren und therapieren? Europäische Guidelines 2018. Österreichische Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Sexualmedizin und Sexuellen Gesundheit, Wien, 2018
Springer A, Hiess M. Intersex. Gender-Ringvorlesung der Stabstelle Gender Mainstreaming und Diversity MedUni Wien, 2018
Hiess M, Springer A. Renal Tumors, ESPU, Leuven, 2019
Springer A, Tonnhofer U, Hiess M, Metzelder M. A very unusual presentation of PUV without dilatation of the upper renal tract or renal dysplasia, Mannheim, JAKU, 2019
Springer A, Tonnhofer U, Hiess M, Metzelder M. Der versenkte JJ-Katheter – Pech oder Glücksfall? Mannheim, JAKU, 2019
Alexander Springer, Anna Nordenström, Ralitsa Robeva, Joanne Hall, Puck Westerveld, Christa Flück, Birgit Köhler, Marta Berra, Katinka Schweizer, Vickie Pasterski, Martine Cools im Namen der COST Action BM1303 working group 1. COST BM1303 "A Systematic Elucidation of DSD": Caring for individuals with a difference of sex development (DSD) - Ein Europäisches Consensus Dokument, Mannheim, JAKU, 2019
Tonnhofer U, Metzelder M, Springer A. Complication Profile of reconstructive procedures of the Urinary tract, Obergurgl, 2019
Springer A. AGS und Chirurgie. Jahrestagung Selbsthilfegruppe AGS, Wels 2019
Springer A, AGS – Eine Übersicht. Gynäkologische Fortbildung, AKH, Wien, 2019
Springer A, Tonnhofer U, Hiess M, Metzelder M, Hebenstreit D. Midline Incision of a Graft in Staged Hypospadias Repair–Where are reports?, Czech Annual Pediatric Urology Meeting, Prag, 2019
Springer A. Harninkontinenz und Blasenentleerungsstörungen, Wien, 2019
Springer A. Duplex Anomalies, ESPU Educational Committee Educational Course, Mannheim, 2019
Springer A. Intersex, Wien, 2019
Springer A. Laparoscopic approach to Zinner syndrome. Cairo/Egypt, 2019
Springer A. Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD) & Surgery. Where are we in 2019? Cairo/Egypt, 2019
Springer A. Tubularised Incised Graft Urethroplasty (TIG) In Staged Hypospadias Repair, Philadelphia/USA, 2019
Springer A. A Systematic Review Of Core Outcomes For Hypospadias Surgery, Philadelphia/USA, 2019
Springer A. Can The Anogenital Distance Predict The Outcome Of Hypospadias Surgery? Philadelphia/USA, 2019
L. Tack; E Van Hoecke; A Springer; S. Riedl; U. Tonnhofer; M. Hiess; J. Weninger; E Van Laecke; P Hoebeke; AF Spinoit; M. Cools. Long-term psychosexual outcome of men born with hypospadias, Philadelphia/USA, 2019
L Tack, A Mahmoud, K. Tilleman, A Springer, S. Riedl, U. Tonnhofer, M. Hiess, J. Weninger, E Van Laecke, P Hoebeke, AF Spinoit, M. Cools. Endocrine and reproductive outcome of men born with various degrees of hypospadias, Philadelphia/USA, 2019
L. Tack; M. Hiess, A Springer ; S. Riedl;U. Tonnhofer; J. Weninger; E Van Laecke; P Hoebeke; AF Spinoit; M. Cools. Long-term urological outcome of men born with hypospadias, Philadelphia/USA, 2019